Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

Mariah Carey is mongrelized but not black or white but people say she black and call mongrles black. she is nappy hair mongrel. Many brownies are considered white and people of pure spanish argentina blood not white. It does not make sense. Greek people and Southern Italian DO NOT LOOK SPANISH. How is they white jajajajajajajaj


Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

This crystal meth pandemic is killing the nation and I can't wait until it kills your racist as$!

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?


Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

Race has nothing to do with appearance.

It simply an indication of where that person (and their family) came from. Racially classifying poeple by how they look is an incredibly silly idea.

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

Does it really matter??? I mean really.... does it? Do you think that you or anyone else had any control over what they were born as??? Get a clue...

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

We are almost all white in Argentina.

Except for some people with Spanish last names who came to Argentina in colonial times.

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

Appearance has everything to do with it! How can you classify a species into a subgroup without it? There are behavioral charactertics also. But these are secondary to the physically obvious things.

The're wrong if they classify by where one is born. This is nationality.

Why do people base race on continent and not looks?

Dude, you need to stay away from crack...crack is's cheap. jajaja

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