Sunday, November 29, 2009

One Hurt Black Sista?

I was so hurt by this. These guys at my school wre saying some awful things about my hair. They were saying that my hair was "nappy" and that I was "bald-headed" and that I used to have "good hair until I cut it" I hate the guys at my school. I used to have long hair down to my waist and now the guyus don't like me anymore because I don't "relax" my hair or wear it long. I'm tried of looking at an Ebony or Essence magazine with a Black woman with straight hair, Why can't we wear our own hair texture? And even if we do, our own people are always making us feel bad for having "Nappy hair" I'm tried of it. i'm tried of ignorant guys turning me down just because I happen to love my hair extra curly and turning me down because I'm not "light-skinned"

One Hurt Black Sista?

Speaking from a fellow "nappy"...I noticed when I cut all of my relaxed hair off, I received quite a few compliments from hispanic and white men. With black men it was about 50/50 (compliments vs. insults); and with black women I received 1 compliment for every 2 insults. But even taking all that into consideration...would you really want to be with a man who didn't think you were beautiful?

The reason I pose the question like this is because I have been going through the same thing since I did my BC in April. My desire to be my God-given beautiful self ruined one of my relationships. Couple that with being at a college where hispanic women are even more so the creme of the crop than usual, I was beginning to lose my confidence. But if you really think about it--there is only one man that has to think you are beautiful on this planet and that is the one you will marry. All others can take a hike! There is someone for everyone and there is someone for you too. Truth of the matter is that right now (and forever) your opinion matters most so if you think you're beautiful then you are. Be confident (kno you are beautiful because you are) rather than convinced (believing you are beautiful because people have told you).

You'll be fine and remember to sport those gorgeous kinks and curls!

One Hurt Black Sista?

Perhaps you should ignore the guys if they are guilty of both the above they sound as if they have a bit of growing up to do yet.

One Hurt Black Sista?

I'll bet that your hair is beautiful!! I too wore my hair short and natural for 2 years. But, I live in a city where the gay population is extremely high, and I found that I was receiving attention from the wrong gender, but, that's another story.....

The guys that tease you are insecure. They do not feel good enough about themselves to appreciate your Nubian beauty. The way that they are responding is actually a good thing: it gives you the opportunity to weed out the ones that are not worthy of your attention. You'll meet a nice young man who can appreciate your true beauty, and you'll know that he is genuine.

One Hurt Black Sista?

I can't really empathize with you, considering I'm white. All I can say is be strong and wear your hair however you like it! People who really matter don't care, and those who care don't matter. I think this whole "relaxed" hair thing is just a trend, like everything else, and before you know it, the girls with relaxed hair will be the ones getting ridiculed. Respect yourself. If you don't, no one else will. That's the number one lesson I've learned in life.

One Hurt Black Sista?

This world is so focused on an idea of beauty that takes the white

race as the superior arbiter of what beauty is. Its hard to fight

against, hence the insults of "nappy" hair or being too dark or

having too wide a nose, etc. Every race seems to be afflicted with

this "envy" My background is Latino/Native American +, a real

mongrel or as we like to say... a hybrid. Yet look at all those Latino

women trying to go blonde, when it makes their skin tone horrible

and turns their hair a weird orangey shade. Or the Asians that

are undergoing eye surgery to give them "Western" eyes. Its

a hard thing to fight against as it is so persuasive, but you can

set your own standards of beauty and rejoice in the person you

are. The imbeciles who deride you are not worth your notice,

there are still people out there who value honesty, just look

around and you will find one.

One Hurt Black Sista?

I find it hard that having short hair and darker complexion would

prevent you from being noticed and accepted by guys. Maybe

you have issues with your self esteem. Also you might want to

consider a make-over. Sometimes how a woman dress and

acts are a bigger turn off than her physical appearnce.

One Hurt Black Sista?

Guess what there are MANY men black/white who will like/love/and appreciate the way you don't stress yourself over some commercialized little boys......good luck

One Hurt Black Sista?

dont blame the brothers. They've been conditioned. Even thier conditioning has been conditioned.

One Hurt Black Sista?

To be honest. I prefer black girls with their natural hair. I guess its to gain acceptance to have long straight "white people's hair," or "good hair." I'm half Latino and half white and I haven't dated many black girls (not by choice) but if I ever do, her cute "nappy" will be fine with me. Just be yourself, don't worry about those knuckle heads.

One Hurt Black Sista?

I feel the same way, my hair a year ago was very long and of course relax and then I decide to go natural did the "big chop off". My mother cry, and my now ex boyfriend stopped talking to me. I noticed a decline in guys trying to ask me out. I think that most of Black America is brainwashed to believe that beauty equals light skin, long straight or soft wavy hair but beauty to me is so diverse and complex.

One Hurt Black Sista?

I wear my hair natural, although I do press it from time to time, and I love my natural hair. Those guys are immature and close minded, they don't know what beauty is. You should be glad that those guys turned you down because they are idiots who don't love or like you for who you are. You want a guy that loves you no matter what your hair looks like but at the same time appreciates your unique beauty.

One Hurt Black Sista?

hey look at me. i appreciate you for who you are none the less. u are what my dream girl would be like. i am sorry for the hurt that those illiterate boys had caused. but i am hear to say that all black men arent like that. i for one am happy that you are natural person i respect that its just sad that most men dont see my perspective. im tired of sistas trynna look like white women an i hope this wont change or effect ur appearance. we need more women like you because women like u are make life worth living.

One Hurt Black Sista?

So what? If you were meant or if most black women were meant to have straight hair they would've been born with it or it the first time they relaxed their hair it would've stayed straight; but no your hair on your head is meant to be curly so wear it natural and get over what some fools think of you; when you have that flowing long hair that you can press anytime what are they going to say then?

One Hurt Black Sista?

i am indian and i had hair up to my butt now its up to my neck and all my indian friends always bugg me and tell me to grow my hair and they always talk about it 24/7 even when i meet people from diffrent race backgrounds they expect me as a indian girl to have long hair up to my butt and its depressing i hate it when people think indian girls hair grow fast but it doesnt. so i can relate to u. anyways forget people they should learn how to mind their own buisness and get a life people who tease u about small things are insecure and just want to have something to talk about

One Hurt Black Sista?

I love Black men, but they make me so angry at the same time. Some of the stuff they say is so ignorant it's like they don't like being Black. I used to hear that a lot when I was younger, but now people compliment me on how I look different. I stand out. Take a stand girl and stand out. Be proud! Those guys have serious problems.

One Hurt Black Sista?

Daaaaamn girl you sure do have alot of problem, I hope life gets better for you

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