Thursday, November 26, 2009

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it wil

grow or break off???

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

When they finally perm it it'll be beautifull. Step one---must know what you're doing. Step two---use the right brand of perm.

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

...break off...

...perms suck on hair....

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

Its going to be longer and really pretty

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

well it depends. I know for some people their hair will resist the perm when they leave their hair natural for a long time and for others the perm will make it look nice and straight.

if perming your hair is too much of a drastic step or your nervous, think about getting it straightened either with blow dryer or hot comb

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

It can break off, but if done right it won't. I go three months between perming my hair and every time I perm it again, it comes out beautifully. I use lots of moisture and protein treatments before, during, and after I relax.

**Hope that helps**

When a person leaves their hair to grow so nappy when they have a perm.When they finally perm it will it?

It's always best to wait a while before relaxing your hair again. It help your hair to grow and get healthy. Before

I went natural, I would get a relaxer every 6 months and my hair was down to mid-back.

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